Описание: Плагин добавляет в игру зачарованные мечи. Их поиски начинайте с бандитского лагеря возле руин Вилверен. Замечание: В архиве две версии esp для Обливиона (Дрожащих Островов) и Золотого издания. Читайте описание для правильной установки. Автор: JaySuS Оригинальный плагин:TESNexus Адаптатор: Visman Требования: Oblivion Заархивировано 7-zip Патч (55Kb) заменяет модель меча верховной ведьмы, так как оригинальная модель вызывает у меня вылет игры при приближении к лагерю Скала рыбака из далека. Может быть у вас аналогичная проблема!? :)
well the alphaproperty was used by the crystal... but nvm lol... that was probably the problem somehow it conflicted with the fire it was in...
and no your english is better than my russian ;) i only know these two words and njet, da, kraftshik, blaed and smer lol... i couldnt really start a conversation :P and i definately dont understand russian jokes XD
hi again thanx for telling me visman i uploaded a hotfix for both problems at tesnexus maybe you wanna get it i dunno how to upload here... i dont understand how your patch fixed it tho lol...
anyway im adding some hussar sabers atm if you stay tuned a few days v2.5 or v3.0 will be out
take care guys
Ответ: Hello!
>i uploaded a hotfix for both problems at tesnexus maybe you wanna get it i dunno how to upload here... I will try to translate and will place on http://alltes.ru/file/jaysus-blades/
dawai baradas sorry i dont undertsand russian but if somin aint working just tell me at tesnexus.com... (your smileys make me think somin aint right with my mod)
take care
Ответ: Answer to tesnexus.com ------------------------ Hello, JaySuS. Swords good.
Here wrote: One issue that's keeping my from voting though: whenever I enter an area containing one of the swords (EG: Fisherman's Rock, Mountain Lion's area...) oblivion crashes.
When I did adaptation plugin on russian language then for Fisherman's Rock has done patch: files.alltes.ru/files/ja/jaysus-blades/JBlades_1C_patch.7z (1 mesh for sword).